Monday, January 31, 2011


Without the slightest doubt we all would agree that swimming pool maintenance is an easier task than constructing one. Swimming pool maintenance involves many aspects including the use of the right swimming pool supplies. These supplies include Baquacil pool products, pool frog chemicals and much more. Here is a list of some important aspects that need to be looked into while choosing the right swimming pool supplies.

Baquacil Pool Products: This is one of the most effective swimming pool supplies that should be used. This pool sanitizing system comes with a three way cleaning formula that aims at getting rid of stubborn bacteria. Most pool maintenance companies in Jackson prefer Baquacil pool products as they are very soft and gentle on eyes, hair and even on the swim suits. Regular pool maintenance is aimed at achieving two things: getting rid of the bacteria from the pool and maintaining the chemical balance of the water. Baquacil pool products are the right choice for your swimming pool maintenance needs.

Routine Cleaning: This is another very important aspect of  pool maintenance in Jackson Debris in the pool is a very unpleasant sight but that's not all, it also affects the pH levels of the water. Removing all the debris should be the first step in your pool maintenance program. To do this, make use of a net or skimmer basket and constantly check for signs of algae, which you can remove with a steel or nylon brush. 

Backwashing: Another step in pool maintenance is backwashing, which means allowing the pool water to flow in reverse to clean the pump. Turn the pump off, turn the dial to backwash and turn the pump on again. This will help prolong the life of the equipment. Swimming pool supplies such as ozone systems, Proteam chemicals, salt systems and Pool Frog chemicals may be used once you are through with backwashing.

I hope these inputs help you understand the importance of using the right swimming pool supplies when it comes to swimming pool maintenance.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Bermudez Triangle Pools & Spas in Beaumont, CA. Our company has been in business for over 10 years! We build beautiful landscapes and spectacular swimming pools the whole family can enjoy. We offer free estimates and competitive bids for your upcoming projects.

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  (888) 683-5872